Parênteses / Parentheses

This is a post to contextualize some things about my research.

Firstly, I would like to make it clear that the research is still in the beginning and there are some aspects that I have not yet been able to take into account to give it more depth.

This research is based on Greek myths, which are the basis of Western society. I have based my research on the book “The Goddesses in Everywoman” by Jean Shinoda Bolen (that is an American writer who wrote this book in the 1980s), the cut is Eurocentric and heteronormative. Although she cites at times how archetypes can appear in homosexual women, but still under the binary bias.

I would like to make it clear that I am open to provocations or/and indications that may contribute to the expansion of my research. Gradually I intend to feed this debate with social, ethnic and gender discussions.

To sum up, the idea of ​​this project is also to question what is feminine and what is masculine and to put in debate actions and gestures that are learned by us in this patriarchal society.

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